Enkhdolgor G., Sarantuya Ts., Bira N. et al. The result of using ambulatory pH meter for determining acidity of upper gastrointestinal tract / Mongolian medical sciences in 2004. Ulaanbaatar, 2005, p. 121-122.

Популярно о болезнях ЖКТ Лекарства при болезнях ЖКТ Если лечение не помогает Адреса клиник

Авторы: Энхдолгор Г. / Сарантуяа Ц. / Бира Н. / Оюунцэцэг Х. / Оюунцэцэг Б. / Нацагдорж Б. / Оюунханд Р.

Mongolian medical sciences in 2004

The result of using ambulatory pH meter for determining acidity of upper gastrointestinal tract

G.Enkhdolgor1, Ts.Sarantuya1, N.Bira1, Kh.Ouyntsetseg1, B.Ouyntsetseg1, B.Natsagdorj1, R.Oyunkhand2
1Health Science University of Mongolia
2Shastin’s Clinical Hospital State

Prolonged continuous usage of esophageal and gastric pH metry was firstly described two decades ago. Since then, this examination has gained widespread clinical use in the identification of gastroesophageal reflux disease and gastric acidity related pathologies.

Goal. The aim of this study was to introduce 24-hours pH-metry into practice and to develop comprehensive standardization of methodology of computer ambulatory monitoring.

Objective. To determine list of gastroenterology diseases for use of 24-hour pH metry and describe the methodology, instruction usage, time and evaluation.

Materials and methods. Intraluminal acidity of gastrointestinal tract was accessed by the pH metry tool, Gastroscan-24 (Russia, Moscow, Fryazino, ISTOK- system, 3rd generation). The investigation was made in period from 1999 to 2003, during the endoscopic room, Department of Gastroenterology, University of Health Sciences of Mongolia. 394 patients and 140 volunteers were totally involved. Those were visitors from out patient and in-patient clinics. This study was involved 18-59 aged 140 healthy volunteers, 89 patients with reflux esophagitis, 110 patients with chronic gastritis, and 195 patients with ulcer diseases and gall stone disease duration of pH-metry analysis was 22.10 hours. During the investigation, those clients were making their daily activities and having normal regimes. Gastric anti secretary medications other than study medications were prohibited for the duration of the study.

Intraluminal pH data was collected using an ambulatory, single channel pH recording system with 3 positional electrodes, and pH values were recorded every 20 sec. Statistical processing in indications of esophagus and stomach activity was made by the method of chronobiological multidimensional data analysis.

Daily rhythms of intraluminal pH-level of oesophagus and stomach were classified by each hour and in each hour maximum, minimum and average measurement levels of pH and their daily dynamics were determined.

Results. We recommend the use of 24 hour pH metry in some gastrointestinal pathologies:

1. a chronophysiological study among healthy people

2. the identification of gastroesophageal reflux disease

3. to study the gastric secretary function in a varying form of chronic gastritis

4. pathophysiological assosiation of gastric acidity in a peptic ulcer disease.

5. evaluation of intraluminal pH value of stomach and duodenum in the gall stone disease.

Conclusion. Knowing the circadian rhythm of intraluminal acidity of esophagus gastric acid production is essential in comprehensive diagnoses, treatment of gastroenterology, and recording of chronotherapy.

This study is the first research work of the circadian rhythm of stomach secretary function and oesophageal intraluminal acidity among Mongolian healthy people. These pH-metry parameters were appraised and renewed the physiological condition of the Mongolian people’s gastric and oesophageal functions. Using the pH metry indications of healthy population, the comparable indication shows that it can be used in various gastric acidity dependent pathologies considering the age and sex of people.

Version of the Mongolian language:

Энхдолгор Г., Сарантуяа Ц., Бира Н., Оюунцэцэг Х., Оюунцэцэг Б., Нацагдорж Б., Оюунханд Р. Хоол боловсруулах дээд замын эрхтний хөндийн хүчиллэгийг тодорхойлох рН-метр шинжилгээний аргыг хэрэглэсэн үр дүн / Монголын анагаах ухаан 2004 онд. Улаанбаатар хот, 2005, 94-95.

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