Marambaia O., Andrade N.A., Varela D.G. et al. Laringopharingeal reflux: prospective study that compare early laryngoscopic finds and 2 channel and 24 hours esophageal testing. Rev. Bras. Otorinolaringol., July/Aug. 2002, vol.68, no.4, p.527-531.
Laringopharingeal reflux: prospective study that compare early laryngoscopic finds and 2 channel and 24 hours esophageal testing
Marambaia O., Andrade N.A., Varela D.G.
Introduction: Laryngeal symptoms from the gastroesophageal reflux are increasing and being more common.
Studies have shown high association with the "globus", cronic hoarseness and cronic cough.
The diagnosis and treatment are different from the well known gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Laryngeal endoscopy is the first exam to be done in laryngeal pacients.
Laryngeal redness, thickness of space between arytenoids, granuloma, polyp, Reinke's swelling, subglottic's stenosis need a complete clinical investigation.
24 hour pH-metry and manometry are the choice, because its sensibility and espicificity.
Aim: compare early clinical and laryngeal finds of laringopharingeal reflux with 24 hours pH-metry and manometry results.
Evaluate responses to clinical terapy and dietary.
Study design: Clinical prospective:
Material and Method: adults with those cronic complaints: dry cough, "globus", to hawk, sialorrhoea, hoarseness, halitosis and choking.
Pacients with another patology from airways were excluded.
The laryngoscopy was important to select only recent lesions to do 24 hour pH-metry and manometry, and after if necessary try clinical treatment.
Results: 83,6% had patologic reflux.
More frequent symptoms were: hoarseness (72,5%), to hawk (60,8%), to cough (29,4%), "globus" (23,5%) and sialorrhoea (19,6%).
Frequency of associated symptoms: two (67,4%); three (41,2%) and four (21,5%). 49 pacients have begun treatment with omeprazole and diet: 83,7% became better after 6 months.
95,9% of the treated patients had improved in laryncoscopy.
Conclusions: Laryngeal endoscopy and clinical history had good correlation with 24 hour pH-metry and manometry results. Other studies would estabilsh rules to diagnosis and follow patients with laryngeal endoscopy.
Working with other professionals is important to solve problems at this pathology.
Keywords: reflux; pH-metry; laryngoscopy; laringitis; hoarseness; cough.
Rev. Bras. Otorrinolaringol., July/Aug. 2002, vol.68, no.4, p.527-531.
Laringopharingeal reflux: prospective study that compare early laryngoscopic finds and 2 channel and 24 hours esophageal testing.
Marambaia O., Andrade N.A., Varela D.G. et al.
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