The significance of pH and manometric testing after laparoscopic fundoplication
Arca MJ, Gagner M, Garcia-Ruiz A, Todd Heniford B.
Laparoscopic antireflux surgery has become the standard operation for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
This study examined the outcomes of laparoscopic antireflux surgery, hypothesizing that both subjective symptoms and objective pH would correlate with manometric parameters to reflect the absence of reflux after fundoplication.
We evaluated 56 patients who underwent laparoscopic antireflux surgery.
Preoperative and postoperative symptoms were documented by chart reviews and confirmed by telephone interviews with the patient.
Preoperative pH probe and esophageal manometry studies were compared with postoperative studies performed 3 to 6 months after fundoplication.
Subjective symptoms were correlated with objective measurements of acid reflux and lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP).
The follow-up period was 3 to 29 months.
Symptomatic improvement was seen in 91% of patients, and good to excellent improvement in preoperative symptoms was cited.
Postoperatively, there was significant improvement in percentages of upright supine times when esophageal pH was less than 4 (p <0.001).
There was an increase in LESP from an average of 16.9 mmHg preoperatively to 22.7 mmHg postoperatively (p <0.001).
There was no correlation between postoperative LESP and symptoms or LESP and 24-h pH results.
However, there was a predictive correlation between LESP and postoperative heartburn symptoms (p <0.001).
These findings imply that symptom follow-up evaluation is adequate in the asymptomatic patient after laparoscopic fundoplication, and that routine physiologic testing is not necessary.
PMID: 11928015 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Surg Endosc. 2002 Mar;16(3):395-400. Epub 2002 Jan 9.
The significance of pH and manometric testing after laparoscopic fundoplication.
Arca MJ, Gagner M, Garcia-Ruiz A, Todd Heniford B.
Department of General Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA. |